Secret Study Tips with J.Andrews Tutoring Services

Set a timetable best suited to YOU! Only you and your parents understand your daily lifestyle, so only you can set this in such a way that it can be adequately managed.

In this timetable add ALL your activities. That’s right, ALL. Your clubs, homework, assignments, tasks, etc should be separate from your study sessions.

Ok, so here’s the tricky part for most students. How much studying do I do? How long do I study for?

STUDY TIP 1: Choose your subject and then choose ONE topic to cover in this session. You then proceed to study in ONE HOUR intervals.

STUDY TIP 2: Study and focus on this topic for 50 minutes maximum. Studying includes your notes, flashcards, google, youtube videos, lesson handouts, etc.

For the remaining 10 minutes of this hour, REVIEW what was just done in your 50-minute session. Easy Peasy right?

This helps you memorize what was just learned. You can also try putting on some soft classical music in the background as well. It has been shown to improve concentration and memory. ( Remember, Google is your friend).

STUDY TIP 3: Repeat! However, when you feel burnt out, please remember it is ok to take a break. If you would like to continue studying, take a break for 10-15 minutes, have some healthy fruit ( bananas are good for the brain) and water then GET BACK AT IT!

We have seen time and time again that finding what works best for each student really helps along the way. Remember, what works for your friend may not work for you.

We hope our #secretstudytips help! Happy Studying!

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