Inside and out of business and education, learning several languages is highly rewarding. Regardless of the field in which you work, not just for career growth, but also for your overall well-being, learning a second or third language can be highly beneficial. Acquiring another language helps us, at all ages, to acquire a range of mental abilities.

  1. It Sharpens the mind. According to a study conducted at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain, multilingual people are better able to observe their surroundings. Anything trivial or misleading can be easily identified by them. They’re even better at detecting false details than their monolingual peers. Although learning a foreign language sharpens the mind, it also literally causes it to expand. A study found that the later a second language is learned in life, the greater the effects on the development of the brain structure. According to Georgetown University Medical Center study, bilingual speakers who regularly use both languages may also have more grey matter in the brain regions responsible for concentration, inhibition, and short-term memory.
  2. It enhances decision making. Since multilingual individuals in any given situation are better able to pick up nuances and subtleties, they usually have a greater understanding for the complexities of the situation. Multilinguals can, therefore, participate in more logical decision-making. On the other hand, individuals who are monolingual appear to base their decisions more on feelings.
  3. Greatly improves your first language. You will become a better writer, speaker, and communicator with better understanding and knowledge of your first language. Language speakers often create a stronger listening ear, as they are able to discern sense from distinct sounds.
  4. It also improves memory. There’s no denying it: the more you use your brain, the better it functions. Not only does learning a new language involve familiarity with an unfamiliar collection of vocabulary and rules, but it also requires the ability to remember this knowledge. The absorption and retention of more information will substantially shorten the learning curve, so instead of re-teaching yourself, you can spend more time learning new knowledge.

Language learning helps to improve cognitive abilities, such as enhanced formation of ideas, mental stability, multitasking, and recall. What’s the next language for you? Sign up with us today ! Our native and local tutors will expand your skills!

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